
August 12-15, 2024


Louisville, KY

Out of the Gate in the Bluegrass State: Transforming Medicaid at MESC 2024

The Medicaid Enterprise Systems Community is heading to Louisville, Kentucky, for the 2024 Medicaid Enterprise Systems Community (MESC) Conference, where Gainwell will be exhibiting innovative, AI-driven solutions and tackling the topics top-of-mind for state Medicaid agencies. With generative AI making a grand and rapid entrance into the health and human services arena and states navigating new risks, responsibilities and opportunities, we’re looking forward to engaging discussions and impactful presentations on the future of the Medicaid enterprise.

What to Expect

  • Join our speaking session — details coming soon!
  • Book a demo or conversation with a Gainwell subject matter expert to learn more about our solutions in the context of your program and modernization roadmap.
  • Connect with the Gainwell team at our booth to learn more about our services and solutions and what we can achieve together.

Join the Conversation

  • Session details coming soon!

For more information on Gainwell's participation at this event, please contact .